Now You’re Just Somebody that I used to know…

yes it’s a picture of me, it’s supposed to be all ironical n’ stuff

4 comments on “Now You’re Just Somebody that I used to know…”

  1. And your irony is oemthing that really rocks & rocks & rocks, sweetheart. And after all it's the road that remains. The road we gotta walk on our own. The road we gotta walk all together. That's why I came. That's why I pick you up. That's why you pick me up. And that's what we are suposed to be: Together in that beautiful photographic world surrounded by beautiful people.All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  2. Talk about the long and the short of it…over time! 🙂 My hair used to be long like that, too, except without bangs.

  3. that picture wasn't that long ago, it was a photo manipulation to illustrate a wig i bought… i forget whom the original picture was of lol not me

  4. that's a pretty cool selfie you got there.. 🙂

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