Like Water for Chocolate

β€œShe felt so lost and lonely. One last chile in walnut sauce left on the platter after a fancy dinner couldn't feel any worse than she did. How many times had she eaten one of those treats, standing by herself in the kitchen, rather than let it be thrown away. When nobody eats the last chile on the plate, it's usually because none of them wants to look like a glutton, so even though they'd really like to devour it, they don't have the nerve to take it. It was as if they were rejecting that stuffed pepper, which contains every imaginable flavor; sweet as candied citron, juicy as pomegranate, with the bit of pepper and the subtlety of walnuts, that marvelous chile in the walnut sauce. Within it lies the secret of love, but it will never be penetrated, and all because it wouldn't feel proper.”

β€œShe felt so lost and lonely. One last chile in walnut sauce left on the platter after a fancy dinner couldn’t feel any worse than she did. How many times had she eaten one of those treats, standing by herself in the kitchen, rather than let it be thrown away. When nobody eats the last chile on the plate, it’s usually because none of them wants to look like a glutton, so even though they’d really like to devour it, they don’t have the nerve to take it. It was as if they were rejecting that stuffed pepper, which contains every imaginable flavor; sweet as candied citron, juicy as pomegranate, with the bit of pepper and the subtlety of walnuts, that marvelous chile in the walnut sauce. Within it lies the secret of love, but it will never be penetrated, and all because it wouldn’t feel proper.”

7 comments on “Like Water for Chocolate”

  1. WOW Elaine!! i love the photo of the kettle on the stove and the story about the chile in walnut sauce made my mouth water…

    and look at what you’ve done to your website again… i love the format with so many choices to pick from on one page… you did good staying up late all of those nights to bring it to us…xox….peter:)

    1. thanks Peter, the website WAS a lot of work, but i only had to stay up ONE night haha… i like the way it turned out tho, so thanks. and yeah that’s my husband’s stove lol he’s a food angel πŸ™‚

  2. I LOVE the stove and the teapot…but now I need to figure out how to make the image be single after I open the post…instead of double!

    1. ginnie, i LIKE the double image lol, my last template had it too…. if you like i can make the white border around it thicker

  3. And how I would love to be invited to your kitchen & cup of freshly made tea … full of platonic photographic love, darling. That truly would make my day.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

    1. sorry, my kitchen is not open for the no photographic sex oaths today…. (as good as it gets – that’s a movie btw haha)

      1. now i’ve gone and done it, picturing two polaroid pictures trying to make babies… those would be instax i guess πŸ™‚

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