Too Lazy to Take a Photo

I’m soooo beautiful lalala… of course you have to watch the video now haha

12 comments on “Too Lazy to Take a Photo”

  1. But you DID take a photo and it’s a GOOD one. YAY you!

    1. But did you watch the video?? it’s from funny girl!! oh and thank you about the pic hehe

      1. Are you kidding me? I know that part of the movie like the back of my hand! 🙂

      2. hahahaha!!! you’re right, i should have known 😀

  2. Yes, you are. (Funny Girl is not a favourite of mine.)

    1. awww thanks, my friend… funny girl is not a fave? well streisand is and aquired taste lol

  3. you’re too funny

    but seriously, love your hair

    i watched the video and realized it was one i’d never seen before. i’ve always like her.

    1. lol thanks! i’m trying to grow my hair out of that pixie cut i have had for years… it’s very hard to grow out a pixie!! i usually get angry at my reflection in the mirror and shave my head within minutes 🙂 i’m more determined this time tho…

      the video was from ‘funny girl’ about fanny brice if i remember correctly… her first performane with the zeigfeld girls, and she objected to singing about how beautiful she was, coz she figured she was far from beautiful… so she made a joke… it was a good movie, tho i haven’t seen it since i was a kid… so don’t quote me lol

  4. I like your photo and your humor. I haven’t watched anything with Miss Streisand. Ever.
    I guess it’s because there just aren’t enough explosions.

    1. actually, hahaha, you are right, i prefer ‘Die Hard’ to Streisand lol… good to see you, Philster!

  5. Too lazy? But you took it, no (yes and I understand the link to Funny Girl – which by the way I haven’t watched.)? I seem to be in agreement with Michael above.

    1. Hi Otto… well Mike said a nice thing, so i’m glad you are in agreement!

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