i’m sooo stressed from loud sounds from the sky! I don’t know why… but I can’t even watch fireworks up close, the concussion on my chest! perhaps i’m a reincarnated soldier who died amidst planes and explosions… cheery thought i know lol
oh gosh it was soooo loud! and it was actually my husband that caught them on camera, that’s a really zoomed in cell phone pic! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Phil Vaughnsays:
According to the all-knowing internet and airshowcenter.com, the CF Snowbirds were in an air show on July 16 at Vancouver. And here I was thinking that they were chasing those UFO’s that appeared in your photo from a few days ago. Hmpf. Nice catch, by the way.
We had a fire spotter helicopter circling after our lightning storm. Just the sound of them is stressful.
i’m sooo stressed from loud sounds from the sky! I don’t know why… but I can’t even watch fireworks up close, the concussion on my chest! perhaps i’m a reincarnated soldier who died amidst planes and explosions… cheery thought i know lol
If they were not putting on some kind of air show, I would have been creeped out too. Friendship
yes, i do not know if there is an airshow, there might be! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
they make such a racket overhead like that. i like how you caught them coming from behind the trees.
oh gosh it was soooo loud! and it was actually my husband that caught them on camera, that’s a really zoomed in cell phone pic! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
According to the all-knowing internet and airshowcenter.com, the CF Snowbirds were in an air show on July 16 at Vancouver. And here I was thinking that they were chasing those UFO’s that appeared in your photo from a few days ago. Hmpf. Nice catch, by the way.
way to go air show, you scared the bayjezus outta me lol thanks for looking it up for me, boo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox