Photoshop Blues

i finally broke down and got photoshop and i’m very disappointed that i can’t use all my plugins and actions…
i have zillions that i collected and made over the years, some of them were VERY useful to me
But I have used photoshop for so many years that i’m happy to have it back, even though i’m not very skilled at it
I still use Photoshop CS5 from 2010. That seems like a lifetime ago. Lost it a couple of times with dead computers and had to redownload.
I had photoshop CS6 paid a lot of money for it, but when apple switched from 32 bit to 64 bit, CS6 wouldn’t work with the new OS… i waited a long time to uprade the OS, but then i needed some software that was only 64bit and i had to give up … sniff sniff
Hello again, sleepy dog girl. Give PS some time. I think you’ll get it to work.
sleepy dog girl lolol
there isn’t any way i can see, but i’ll look around, thanks, Phil xoxoxoxoxoxox
Your baby looks so sweet. I have never figured out photoshop. I tried elements several years ago and i could not do half of what I should have. I used to use lightroom, but most plug in no longer work with the OS updates. I am finding photo editing very frustrating these days. I used to enjoy it so much.
oh my goodness!! it IS soooo challenging!! i feel your pain sis… i had photoshop for many
years, and basically all i did was build actions, coz i could never remember the stuff i learned to do from tutorials lol and BUY plugins and actions… i’m floundering a tad without
my stufffff xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
i hear you! i have PS but a lot of features that i do not use. but the ones i use, i use them extensively.
she is out!
Yes, Ayush!! every now and then i would learn something new, but i would make it into an action lol… i had a LOT of actions! mainly used my film/blur one though, which took me weeks to make! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
you can re-install your actions if you saved them on a hard drive. i see Smidge is so concerned that she can’t sleep : – )
really??? i don’t see where to ‘add’ an action! thanks so much, i’ll look around for how to do it!
and yes, Smidge is weird, she cares so much about Sparky touching her food, but doesn’t care at all about my angst