Heart of a Vegan

i love animals so much and it is HURTING that i can’t go vegan without being overrun with candida and losing all my muscle strength, not to mention being super hungry all the time and still gaining weight
i love animals so much and it is HURTING that i can’t go vegan without being overrun with candida and losing all my muscle strength, not to mention being super hungry all the time and still gaining weight
what a dreamy pic. God gave us certain animals to be received with thankfulness for our nourishment. we’re not to abuse the animal kingdom, but we are to give thanks to God for providing them to us and receive them with thanksgiving. (read I Timothy 4)
it’s just the way i feeeeel, i can’t help it.. and didn’t God say, after the flood that He was giving them animals to eat, but it was a curse?
Love this photo. I have been a pescatarian for over ten years. I found it too difficult to go vegan. I too love animals. Friendship
yeah, i should eat fish, that’s not as bad somehow, tho i had a goldfish for two years that used to come up to the glass to kiss me when i got home, i loved that goldfish!
Every animal (including birds and fish) get tortured for our benefit. Carrots release chemicals when pulled so is that a scream of pain. And grass when it is cut.
The abundance of pets in homes is also troubling because they use a lot of those animals.
This is a horrible world.
i concur.. ugh xoxoxoxoxoxox
It’s a lovely photo, Elaine. I can almost hear the cattle as they shuffle through grass as they graze and huffing at each other and sniffing at the wind. I’ve read the other comments and can’t disagree with any of them; easy answers are not to be had. He will set it all aright one day.
i have faulty carbohydrate metabolism, and it causes MUCHO problems with my health
i neeeed animal protein or my muscles get so weak i can’t lift myself out of bed
and my heart is so bloody sensitive that i can’t handle it
no easy answer, you can say that again!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
a lot of the cruelty occurs behind the scenes and we just pretend it is not happening, though we know better. a good shot to go with your post, Elaine.
they have loads of documentaries about the cruelty behind the scenes
i watched ‘meet your meat’ and that was enuff to tear me to shreds, so i didn’t watch the others
can get PTSD from those movies