Window for Kitty

Our cat, Audrey, used to climb up to look out onto the street, had to leave the blinds open a bit so she could go and stick her nose in and make way…
Our cat, Audrey, used to climb up to look out onto the street, had to leave the blinds open a bit so she could go and stick her nose in and make way…
yep. sounds very cat like.
yep, quaba quaba kitty kitty
That shot has an odd feel to me. Like someone is trying to escape but the window is just too damned high.
that’s my CAT who was trying to escape lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
As always you have the most interesting images. I love hearing about your cat, but there is something mysterious about the shot on its own. Friendship
A ppprisonnn…hmmm, how it it possible to escape? How can we know what is on the other side?
i guess the only way is to ask your cat…
lol i shall forward your query to her xoxoxoxoxox