Where Did My Ass Go?

I made this for a tshirt for my bro’s bday when he turned 40
Now it’s my husband’s turn, it’s his birthday,
somebody talk him into retiring, please?
“Ok I’m 60. Now where did my ass go?”
I made this for a tshirt for my bro’s bday when he turned 40
Now it’s my husband’s turn, it’s his birthday,
somebody talk him into retiring, please?
“Ok I’m 60. Now where did my ass go?”
I am so happy that I retired at 55. If I had waited until 65 I would had about a year before getting seriously ill.
Oh wow, Michael… you do make a helluva point… and I do hope you are feeling better than before…
My husband can’t retire early coz he will lose the medical coverage i need.
you are too clever!
haha, thanks sistah… 20 years ago, necessity was the mother of invention, i was walking around the mall, couldn’t find a prezzie for my brother, and the party was in an hour, so
i walked into one of those tshirt shops where they pressed things onto a tshirt with a heat press thing… most of the store had stupid stuff, like heavy metal and sports, but then this cute little donkey caught my eye, just sitting there all alone, looking at me lol… so i took him off the wall, and wandered around the store some more, he had gold sparkles, so i went to look at what letters they had, and they had some gold sparkled letters, and the guy came up and asked if he could help me, and the pressure was on, i stared at the donkey, who was reasonably priced at around 17.99… but the letters were 2 bucks each!..i’m rounding up, but not by much lol… i said, gimmee a minute… so HE STOOD THERE… i said ‘ok, the gold letters, i want this above the donkey; ‘Ok, so I’m 40. Now where did my ass go?” and the guy just snarfled and giggled as he made the tshirt for me… and it was born lol world’s most expensive tshirt lol…. now i have the design on mugs, but they never sell… i think people don’t stop to think about it lolol
Love this !
lol thank you, robert!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox