
this guru guys says not to eat things that have emotions, coz the cruel factory farming we have makes for bad emotions
my sense of smell has become super sensitive lately, and today my husband got a roast for cheap and cooked it up for dinner and the smell of it cooking was gross, so he asked me if i could eat it after it was cooked, i leaned over and took a whiff and totally GAGGED!!
i said ‘you know what?? NOOOOOOOO.’
my husband just rolled his eyes
Love the photo, the light, the geometry and the blurrrrrrr Love it!
Not so sure how to combine what I eat with emotions…i’ll thin k about it.
yes, you think about it, my friend
have a great valentine’s day! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
We are lucky enough to get non factory food.
well, that’s a blessing for man and beast
Happy Valentine’s day, Michael xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
excellent photo and thought provoking title, Elaine. but for me it is more along the lines of how long has it been since we were at our dinner table, the whole family, the fridge and the oven somewhere nearby, a similar dish towel, assorted magnets on the fridge….
the only time hubby and i eat at our table is Christmas dinner, i wish it could be more, because i totally get what you mean, Ayush xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Hello, nice shot!
awh, and i was going to say how inviting a kitchen feels at night. love the pic.
awwwww, lol, yes a kitchen is inviting lol don’t let my sense of smell ruin it for you lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
I have not eaten meat since 2009. But your kitchen looks cozy and lived in. Friendship