exit stage right

My little niece getting unceremoniously yanked from the stage because she was jumping around, and her subsequent reaction.

21 comments on “exit stage right”

  1. Hmm… I know that look of disproval, nice set of images.

  2. Cool captures, love the second photo, she looks so happy.

  3. really cute series of photos. 🙂

  4. Very cool tryptych. Sweet girl 🙂

  5. looks very fun to be around, nice effects and gives me a sense of youth!

  6. Una buena colleccion de fotografias, buen procesado…saludos.

  7. cute, i love the colors

  8. I like the different expression you’ve caught

  9. Very coool ! J’ai comme l’impression que cette jeune demoiselle a appris à ne pas avoir peur d’un objectif 🙂 Une série dynamique et une future star aussi …! 😉

  10. She definitely is a bundle of joy. I’ll bet she makes you smile all the time. You captured her bubbly and fun personality. Great shots Elaine.

  11. Really terrific images, Elaine. You’ve captured the essence of having fun as a child, superbly. Is that a tiny tantrum I see at the end? Ha ha

  12. Ha! Charming, this girl! The montage is uncommon and successful. The photoreflects the action around the photographer; STOP TO MOVE FOR ONE SECOND…

  13. Cool set !!!Congratulations on quitting smoking ! I did the same back in 2005 and it was totally worth it in every possible way I look at it!!!

  14. In this set it looks like she is descending from the skies, slowly, till she stand on both feet on the ground. Almost like growing up, no?Me like 🙂

  15. bravo for the images but a great bravo for the sigarettes – I have 4 years to smoke after 32 years smoking

  16. What a great trio of images, I like the expression in the last one, I’ve seen that face so many times in my own kids!Oh and well done, keep it up :O)

  17. What a great model you have there.

  18. Cool shots, like the different stages of expression she has, from utter joy, to quiet disappointment.. nice.

  19. Nice series, I like how her expression changes radically through all three.

  20. haha.. what a weird change of mood there.. what a funny kid.. 🙂 nice series of shots..woah.. 2.5 cigs / hr? (is my math correct.. haha..) keep it up! 😀

  21. a good argument for keeping the camera handygreat work!

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