Loveleh Kitteh

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11 comments on “Loveleh Kitteh”

  1. Aw, a sweet kitty, Elaine ~

  2. It’s almost like an etching, Elaine. Purty little kitty.

  3. This one’s so soft. Lovely!

  4. The tones in this one are so perfect for her. I watched the video and I was thinking how she’s too brave for her own good. I’d never let her outside.

  5. Pretty eyes and a see it like to read.

  6. so pretty. I quite like the processing.

  7. I love Audrey’s cute pose and regal attitude. The vintage touch to the processing is really nice!

  8. Hi Elaine….great portrait of your Loveleh Kitteh Eh….the twiddling is superb….i went blind trying to read the script written in the top left corner:-)….peter:)

  9. Looks like a favorite spot – safe, warm and with a commanding view. Love that little clip.

  10. Great pics, and a lovely kitty model 🙂

  11. Your kitteh got huge while I wasn’t looking. I love her expression in this shot.

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