Zoom Zoom Zoom…

6 comments on “Zoom Zoom Zoom…”

  1. Really liking the feeling of motion here. Your title takes me back to the 1990s – “All I wanna do is zoom a zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom”

  2. Wonderful sense of motion. A feeling and a view that is so familiar..always what we see while ‘driving by’.

  3. This image is still recognisable as a scene, but it’s also almost abstract art in the final image. It makes you look closer to see what it is. Eye catching once again. My photos are very pedestrian compared to yours, Elaine.

  4. nice sense of motion, I also get a sense of urgency. cool.

  5. attention, chaud devant !

  6. Slow down, sweetheart. We got all the time in the world. We could walk hand in hand, slowly discovering what the other see. I’ll wait for you & if I fasll behind please wait for me!All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

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