Blame It On The Rain

13 comments on “Blame It On The Rain”

  1. We need rain where I love. It has been a couple of years since we had a decent amount.

    1. i live in tsawwassen so got lots of rain, tho not as much as other areas of the lower mainland

  2. I meant “live” not love. Well, “love” as well. I do love here.

  3. We had glorious sun yesterday, Elaine, but will now have rain these two Easter days (Sunday and Monday). I LOVE the rain, you know, so this image is cozy for me.

    I had to smile when I saw “blame it on the rain” because Astrid always says “blame it on the Internet,” since that’s where we met! 🙂

    1. yes, rain is cozy, especially on the roof of a tent when camping, all snuggled up in your sleeping bag 🙂
      i agree with Astrid lol i blame the internet too!

  4. Very soggy! We have rain here today, too (Easter Sunday). The vignette reminds me of the screen on the console TV we had years ago.

    1. The vignette is a ‘through the viewfinder’ texture 🙂 it’s soggy here today too, Phil… Happy Easter Sunday!

  5. Your rain is pure poetry. And I can hear it while drowning in that beauty of yours, my Elaine.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

    1. too bad we couldn’t take pictures of the rain together, you tell me when it’s raining there and we will arrange a time lol

  6. What can we say? Too much rain is a pain, but without it we are crying for it. I hope things are good well for you, Elaine.

    1. yes, things are going well… i’m working on my health, and that’s taking up all my concentration… but i’m so grateful for you coming here to urge me to continue 🙂

      1. Keep staying healthy. 🙂

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