It’s all a blur

11 comments on “It’s all a blur”

  1. Steady as she goes???

    1. yep!! as she goes! i’m listening to Alex Jones at the moment lol

      1. Alex Jones?

      2. yeah, he’s a conspiracy theory dude… sort of entertaining!

  2. I put my glasses on and your photo is still blurry. Oh, wait. Naver mind. 😉

    1. hahaha… Phil, you always make me laugh 🙂

  3. My life is one big blur.

    1. life IS blurry, and getting more and more blurry all the freakin’ time!

  4. kinda works for me, Elaine. i like the headlights on the oncoming vehicle.

  5. This is one kind of photos you are doing so well. You create mysteries and maybe a feeling of sadness and longing in these blurry and so beautiful images.

    1. oh Otto!!!! sniff sniff, what a BEAUTIFUL thing to say!! xoxoxoxoxox

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