Oatmeal Raisin

Hubby made me these last night, to cheer me up πŸ™‚ I have the best husband in the world.

12 comments on “Oatmeal Raisin”

  1. Mmm, mmm, they look flat yummy

    my mother used to make them except she also added chocolate chips

    chocolate covered raisins in oatmeal cookies was the essential flavor

    she’d have a baking day where she’d make quite a few dozen cookies and freeze them. all five of us kids would sneak into the freezer and eat them frozen : – )

    the image of your hubby’s cookies really conjured up a nice memory, elaine

    1. hehe, memories of mom’s cookies… i have those too, especially her melt in your mouth shortbread at Christmas!

      hubby would have the chocolate chips too, except we were low on cookie ingredients πŸ™‚

      that made me giggle at the 5 kids sneaking frozen cookies lol your mom must have been freaking out, every single time lol

  2. well i feel cheered up too, Elaine. for some reason i thought it would go well with port.

    1. haha, or the rest of my cognac!!

  3. Please tell Gilles that I’m feeling down in the dumps, too. A dozen will be just fine. Thanks.

    1. i’m afraid you will have to move in with us and be his second wife πŸ˜›

      1. Phil Vaughn says:

        Never mind.

      2. hehe, well i thought it was a good offer lolol

  4. They do look so tasty.

    1. oh he’s a great cook, he makes oatmeal cookies that are crispy honey brown at the edges and soft and bendable in the center πŸ™‚

  5. Oatmeal raisin cookies! If I were to ever make them again, THAT’S what I would make! Smart hubby. πŸ™‚

    1. hehe, i know what you mean, those are the best home made cookies πŸ™‚ and we usually have all the ingredients around the house!

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