I Want To Ride My Bicycle

8 comments on “I Want To Ride My Bicycle”

  1. It’s like a figment of your imagination now, Elaine, but it is there, indeed. Keep the dream alive inside of you.

    1. it’s a Queen song lol not a dream of mine, i was never able to ride a bike even when i was a runner… bikes hurt my neck, my wrists, my butt, and my back. but thank you for the sentiment, not many dreams left alive that’s for sure.

  2. very cool how the rider seems a bit transparent from the motion

    1. i do love da blurry photos 🙂

  3. I think Ginny is right. This is surreal. 🙂

    1. it is a bit of a weird picture, i’m not sure why it turned out that way, the trees at the top look funny… thanks, Phil xox

  4. was he really going that fast or were you whizzing by in the opposite direction, Elaine? cool effect nevertheless!

    1. same direction, lots of speed and i have a new cam that’s super good at blurry photos! which i love 🙂 thanks, Ayush!

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