Grapes of Wrath

8 comments on “Grapes of Wrath”

  1. Oooooooh. I do love me some good grapes, even if they are of wrath. Have you ever tried freezing them and then eating them as a nice refreshing snack? Fabulous.

    1. oooh! freezing grapes! sounds delish! do they get real hard?
      oh and i need to get the awesome popcorn recipe from you again… in writing this time, coz gilles forgot 🙂
      you have such good ideas! xoxoxox

      1. NO, Elaine. Frozen grapes almost melt in your mouth. You’d love them, especially when it’s hot weather.

      2. thanks for the tip!! i will try it! sounds yummy!

  2. Looks more cheery (and no, not cherry) than the books was. But then grapes are the best. 🙂

    1. hehe, they look like they would make good wine! and that’s cheery too! xoxox

  3. mmm, love this

    food make such a good subject to photograph

    1. i agree, it always seems i do a food series every spring lol

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