I Am Canadian

the protest for freedom has been peaceful, inspiring, and loving… as of right now, i’m proud to be canadian.

12 comments on “I Am Canadian”

  1. absolutely brilliant shot, Elaine. i love this monster and your angle on it.

    1. awww, thanks Ayush!! those trucks actually scare me on the road lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  2. This image evokes a feeling of power and light in the darkness. Friendship

  3. yes, it’s amazing that it was truckers who decided to get together and fight for our freedom!! I agree with your assessment of the image 🙂 thank you, sweetie xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  4. cool shot. looks a bit tight.

    1. haha, too close for comfort? i agree! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  5. You obviously haven’t been around those assholes.

    1. what assholes? you mean watching on mainstream media about the protestors? no i haven’t lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  6. The biggest collection of swastikas and confederate flags outside of a Trump rally is kind of a clue. Intimidation is their operating procedure. They call themselves freedom fighters but desecrate the War Memorial. And desecrate the statue of a true Canadian hero, Terry Fox. They are about hate. The major parts of their founding are wanting the resignation of the Canadian Government and they want to be in on forming government.
    If they were First Nations, they would not have made it into the prairies. Offshoots are invading small towns like here and making life hell for people. They bring shame on our country.
    I woumd go on but it might sound like a rant.

    1. yeah, i’ve heard about all of the stuff they are saying in the mainstream news, but i prefer to watch the regular people with youtube channels who are boots on the ground all day and night recording the whole thing… it is definitely NOT what mainstream news has been saying, there is no racism and weird flags, and all they did to terry fox was put a hat and a flag on him, there’s no swastikas and other flags..
      anyway, it’s a very loving and peaceful protest, i know the horns honking were bothering some people, so the truckers stopped that, there is zero hate, in fact you can feel the love… and there was first nations people there, bangin’ dee drums.. you are just watching mainstream media, that’s all…
      anyway, the police are starting to descend, so it will be over soon, i know coz they youtube boots on the ground cams are being blocked
      don’t worry, nothing bad has gone on, i’m very very PROUD of our country, they have led the entire world in peaceful protests.. it’s ok xoxoxoxoxoxox

    2. Also, Michael, my church from my hometown winnipeg is in Ottawa and hs been walking around and videoing for 13 days, telling the TRUTH… i’m sorry you are having trouble with small groups in your town, but the main event is peaceful and loving… they are angry at trudeau for fleeing instead of working it out, for being a dictator, but i have never heard that the truckers want to be the new govt… that’s crazy… besides, there is a new guy who just popped up to run for prime minister, a legit politician, anyway, here’s my old pastor’s live stream from today… https://www.facebook.com/leonjfontaine/videos/475736917334253/?notif_id=1644460978958910&notif_t=live_video&ref=notif

  7. Love the photo. Not so sure apout the protest…

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