I just love when they roll over onto their backs and put their paws up for you to scratch their sweet soft bellies. FUN!!!.-= Marcie´s last blog ..<a href="http://marciescudderphotography.com/index.php?showimage=1017“ rel=”nofollow”>Bucato di Notte =-.
*miss.is the snowfall making the webpage load slower…? brrr….-= rocksea´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.rocksea.org/indian-skittering-frog“ rel=”nofollow”>the skittering frog and babur =-.
Ha, our Queen is back and i prepare my fingers to play with the Miss’ belly ! Come, girl, come ;)) Super frame !.-= k@´s last blog ..<a href="http://karinian.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>Accompagner, c’est espérer poser un baume =-.
That’s priceless, Elaine. Naturally in the wider shot that you also took, we can see that the hand has been gnawed off….. ha ha..-= SOUL AFLAME´s last blog ..<a href="http://soulaflame.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>HOMEWARD BOUND =-.
is there a video accompanying this image you have up here? sort of like the viral “surprised kitty” thingy that’s been floating around the intertubes.. lol! :).-= rian´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.digitizedchaos.com/2009/12/17/the-walls-are-coming-down/“ rel=”nofollow”>the walls are coming down.. =-.
Lol, funny shot. Love how she wraps her legs around the hand.
That’s hysterical, Elaine. He really is laughing!.-= Ginnie´s last blog ..<a href="http://ginniehart.shutterchance.com/photoblog/267587.htm“ rel=”nofollow”>Milk Street =-.
smily face or he want to bite ? that is the question, dear Elaine .Anyway , funny shot :-).-= Jean-Luc´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.aufildutempsjlm.com/article-la-vie-reprend-toujours-le-dessus–41229283.html“ rel=”nofollow”>La vie reprend toujours le dessus… =-.
coco is so funny. there’s definitely something about her that invites tickles..-= Seraphine´s last blog ..<a href="http://encoreseraphine.com/2009/12/15/nothing-lasts-forever-q-e-d/“ rel=”nofollow”>Nothing Lasts Forever, Q.E.D. =-.
I just love when they roll over onto their backs and put their paws up for you to scratch their sweet soft bellies. FUN!!!.-= Marcie´s last blog ..<a href="http://marciescudderphotography.com/index.php?showimage=1017“ rel=”nofollow”>Bucato di Notte =-.
oh…i iss my dog!.-= rocksea´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.rocksea.org/indian-skittering-frog“ rel=”nofollow”>the skittering frog and babur =-.
*miss.is the snowfall making the webpage load slower…? brrr….-= rocksea´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.rocksea.org/indian-skittering-frog“ rel=”nofollow”>the skittering frog and babur =-.
Ha, our Queen is back and i prepare my fingers to play with the Miss’ belly ! Come, girl, come ;)) Super frame !.-= k@´s last blog ..<a href="http://karinian.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>Accompagner, c’est espérer poser un baume =-.
That’s priceless, Elaine. Naturally in the wider shot that you also took, we can see that the hand has been gnawed off….. ha ha..-= SOUL AFLAME´s last blog ..<a href="http://soulaflame.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>HOMEWARD BOUND =-.
The donkey doesn’t want to take her place…. He can stand outdoor!.-= tagazou´s last blog ..<a href="http://tagazouane.over-blog.com/article-l-ane-interieur–41251752.html“ rel=”nofollow”>L’âne intérieur… =-.
Don’t awake the princess, she could turn in a monster :D.-= BoB´s last blog ..<a href="http://memoriesinthedust.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>Eva 01 =-.
you are funny and Coco also … she’s really a great model in all situations :).-= walter´s last blog ..<a href="http://walterneiger.blogspot.com/2009/12/rider-in-storm.html“ rel=”nofollow”>rider in the storm =-.
Almost looks a bit scary… but a belly rub is always good for a dog :-).-= Ivar´s last blog ..<a href="http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Bluviews/~3/S8mR7aRVv6M/“ rel=”nofollow”>Broken =-.
Yikes! Looks like some kind of South American fruit bat!.-= Turnbill´s last blog ..<a href="http://blog.turnorama.org/index.php?showimage=1802“ rel=”nofollow”>witch’s jelly =-.
ooh — playtime!!! she looks quite ferocious here!!! xoxoxoxoxox.-= dj.tigersprout´s last blog ..<a href="http://visionlogic.aminus3.com/image/2009-12-16.html“ rel=”nofollow”>Dulce Notte #5 =-.
is there a video accompanying this image you have up here? sort of like the viral “surprised kitty” thingy that’s been floating around the intertubes.. lol! :).-= rian´s last blog ..<a href="http://www.digitizedchaos.com/2009/12/17/the-walls-are-coming-down/“ rel=”nofollow”>the walls are coming down.. =-.