Seaside Stroll

Selling Sea Shells by the Sea Shore

Selling Sea Shells by the Sea Shore

8 comments on “Seaside Stroll”

  1. So bleak and grey, I like this a lot. And who build the railroad tracks right next to the water? Why weren’t they concerned about flooding?

    1. well, it’s the ocean, so it’s tides.. we aren’t big on typhoons up in these parts lol

  2. beautiful stuff for my eyes!

  3. Speaking of flooding, Lisl and I rode a train in Cornwall, England, this past June, parts of which were very close to the water like this. She told me that last year the tracks were totally flooded. I guess it’s something to check out before you take a train ride?!

  4. Your sea side stroll is the most beautiful poetry to my eyes. Can’t help but love it & breathe, breathe, breathe.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  5. Another image from you that touches the soul. It impose all kinds of longings and associations. There is a bit of sadness laid down in those tracks… A beautiful photo, Elaine.

    1. Otto, i actually had a musician ask to use that image for their CD, and their CD is about sad old murders and stuff, kind of a weird folky country mix… thanks for your kind words!

    2. these guys asked to use the photo, i have this CD of theirs …. the photo was processed to look super old and scratched and sepia toned, the one he asked for…

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