Self Portrait Challenge

The mysteries of eternity are not known either to you or to me

the enigma cannot be read either by you or by me

behind the veil a discourse goes on about me and you

when the veil disappears there remain neither you nor me

Through a veil, darkly. Translations of a poem by Omar Khayyam

this is dj’s challenge i think you can go to his page to see other participants 🙂 aslo on isao’s page

dj suggested the idea of leaving a little bio… I’m not sure what to say about myself… my mother used to tell me i was born on an airplane and had dual citizenship because of that… i don’t think that’s true, and i don’t know what other country she meant anyway. My childhood was a series of unfortunate events, and even tho i think my entire family is crazy, and i’m the only sane one, that could possibly be because I’M the craziest of all lol. my older brother said that the only time you have to worry about being insane is when you think you are sane 🙂 I got into photography as a teenager, using film of course and constantly messing up in the darkroom. My life was good as a teenager, i was a physics freak, and eventually became a computer programmer, then i worked in a sick building and got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So I was out of the game before it began. But luckily I found Jesus later in life, or rather Jesus found me, and I was healed… I am happily, very happily, married, to a wonderful man named Gilles, who does all the workin’ and cookin’ and i’m just all around blessed. I have a little dog as my constant companion, I’m lucky in love whether husband or dog or God… I know alot of you may cringe at me being a Christian, but I’m a ‘live and let live’ type of person, who has no bizarre political opinions to share lol… I just happen to have met God, which is like falling off the planet and then being redeposited on your couch, totally changed, and if you met God, you would understand 🙂 you would know what all the singing is about 🙂

52 comments on “Self Portrait Challenge”

  1. Brilliant – I need to get me one of these!

  2. A nice Halloween picture, serious and spooky as wellLovely composition, captured and executed.Like it a lot.

  3. Clever self-portrait…moving image to go with moving words:-)

  4. Cool self portrait, a little bit spooky but I like it!

  5. I’m kind of speechless here…Interesting and cool self portrait here Elaine. Spooky in expression and of course the veil, which in reality really is gaussian blur.

  6. YES!!!! So this day has finally come! HURRAY!!! I think i am going to be up quite late tonight — wow!! what a great turn out! THIS shot Elaine is truly BRILLIANT!!! Deep seated, moody, haunting… TOTALLY faaabulous!!! I am so glad you came out with such a wonderful result!! Did you enjoy the process? Beautifully done, and magical work!! BRAVO, BRAVO!!! 😀

  7. oh… and by the way… I LOVE YOUR BIO!!! god bless!! xoxoxo

  8. …born in the air, you are you for real? That is so cool, that’s one I haven’t heard before! Lovely intruiging image of you here and great bio, I fortot to do that, but you all know what I am like LOL. Great to see you in the challenge!

  9. Love the idea with the veil … a very mysterious woman! Nice meeting you 😉

  10. You so pretty, Elaine. You remind me of Natalie Merchant from the 10000 Maniacs.

  11. So lovely to meet you Elaine and a wonderful portrait. Thank you so much for sharing about your life, very moving!

  12. Hi there! nice to meet you, really like the discourse as well as your image, super work!

  13. Hello, beautiful autoportait. And I like very much the poem. I will translate it into Spanish.I’m very pleased to meet you

  14. A very nice and mistery photo!I like it.NANNE from FRIESLAND

  15. A powerful moving portrait that reflects your story. Intruguing

  16. Brilliant self – portrait! BRAVO!

  17. :O a wordless shot

  18. I’m glad you posted a bit of a bio as well Elaine. Love the self-portrait, even though you expression seems at odds with the joy in your bio! And thanks for inspiring me to join in at DJs

  19. at day was it ? on your weddei says:


  20. Was it on your wedding day ? this is a nice portrait looking a bit mystic ;-)) you can see mine at my address…

  21. Fantastic portrait, mysterious, captivating. I liked your bio too, funny and honest..I did’nt have a charmed childhood either.

  22. Nice work. Self portraits really are not my thing, but this is really quite nice

  23. Hey, you’re a computer programmer? I envy that. I’ve learned some turbo-c programming at the university, but at the ‘dynamic memory allocation’ part I finally gave up when several times managed to freeze the whole computer system of the university 🙂 Anyway I love this image, cool idea to put that thing (curtain?) on your head. Very mystic.

  24. What a veil. Great mood

  25. Nice portrait with the veil, nice to meet you Elaine

  26. Are you getting married? :)Very nice self portrait!

  27. A fabulous image. The blushing bride or perhaps a harem girl!

  28. Brilliant self portrait, serious and smooth. Your gaze is very intense. Great job with the blurSwissCharles

  29. Powerful image..and accompanying words. Very unique and creative. Excellent!

  30. the veil looks like you just got married… 😀 nice work..

  31. A very cool and imaginative self portrait, and a terrific bio as well. Nice to meet you

  32. Outstanding portrait picture Elaine. Very different and creative. Kind of eerie in a way. Excellent work!

  33. So many comments! A very creativ work and a good composition.

  34. A beautiful and unique self portrait wonderful lighting, and very intersting reading your bioI always say Sanity is over rated

  35. seriously, this freaked me out! lol. nice shot Elaine! spooky! 🙂

  36. and oh, you’re beautiful. 😀

  37. Such a great bio you wrote here. And the photo… can be used in a horror flick! Captures the halloween mood! Nicely done!

  38. Very beautiful portrait, Elaine… a little mysterious… good job!

  39. a very beautiful lady with a veil – excellent potrait

  40. Very cool self-portrait photo. It has an old time feel to it with the veil and tones of the photo. It was great reading your bio as well!

  41. Hauntingly beautiful! Love this one, with the sad, sad eyes.

  42. Peek a boo a see you. 🙂 I love this and don’t find it spooky at all. It is beautiful and so are you and from reading your bio I know that you have beauty not only on the outside but on the inside as well. Well done Elaine!!!

  43. Great self portrait!

  44. Dramatic self-portrait.:-)

  45. The veil adds softness and texture, beautiful image with a very nice feel!

  46. That is a sweet shot. I love it. It reveals just enough.

  47. thank you ALL for your wonderful, encouraging comments!!!

  48. great self-portrait!nice with veil, like the way you are looking inside!

  49. well you certainly have a way of portraying your self that no one else has tried to do, superb again.

  50. Lovely portrait… the veil seems to glow…and the eyes are hunting

  51. A great—and different—self-portrait.

    1. i was so nervous about a self portrait that i literally covered myself up haha

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