Breakfast Goodies


14 comments on “Breakfast Goodies”

  1. haha. my first thought was liver. what i thought was liver is french toast.i see potatoes, i see ham, i think. but what’s in the foreground???it’s not grits. could it be hash browns? french toast, ham, potatoes and hash browns?and i thought canadians put gravy and cheese on everything…

  2. YUM!! What a great way to start the new day!!!

  3. very yummy – have a nice sunday

  4. You make me even more eager to be on my beloved Canadian soul, E. I love the breakfast culture of North America and when out on our many island hops, we always try different local breakfast joints where you get a flavour of the town and it’s people. I still love the chains though, and there’s a Smitty’s in Sidney where I often go as I’ve know the waitress there for several decades. In the UK we just don’t do breakfast, eating out and the coffee culture like Canada and the US, though it’s getting there.Have a great Sunday

  5. It seems to be very good… I will bring a bottle of wine?

  6. I don’t know if I can say..yummie but it has that feel that one can see of memories of the old days hanging out at diners late at night with their breakfasts and cigerarettes;) I like that!!Have a great Sunday!

  7. des post-traitements toujours étonnants qui servent des cadrages osés. De belles réussites mais si cette dernière image ne met pas vraiment en appétit

  8. Yeah, very tasty! I must eat now :D.

  9. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. Just as important as tummy rubs in the morning. Delicious work & a great photograph, Elaine! All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  10. That looks real tasty, I like the change you made to your page here looks good

  11. those in the upper left? bacon?! they’re thick! i’m getting hungry.. time for dinner! 😀

  12. Looks Tasty!

  13. LOVE IT! I’ve just stumbled out of bed – haven’t even had my morning tea. And I see this. I am so hungry now. Great shot. Excuse me, off to breakfast!!

  14. Interesting – a perfectly normal breakfast, yet with a slightly disturbing edge because of the color tones. I like it.

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