
hubby struttin’ his stuff wearing his john cougar 1987 tour tshirt lol the man never throws anything away!!

14 comments on “Struttin’”

  1. he obviously displays a sense of history through his attire.i take zyrtec and children's benedryl liquid. it helps with allergy symptoms and doesn't knock me out. of course, i still sneeze and my nose runs when the pollen gets too bad. it isn't perfect, but it helps.

  2. hey i just noticed your gallery on the sidebar! awesome!!! i love seeing the thumbnails from the pictures i've seen on your blog. and i see a few i haven't seen before. very cool.

  3. I like the portrait – for some reason it seems like part of a fashion shoot. And that looks like a perfectly good shirt, why throw it out just because it is from 1987? My Fujica cameras are from around then, or probably earlier, and they still work fine.

  4. Looks nice on him !

  5. He looks like a movie star or rock star himself here, great pace, determined even when sleepy, this man has a very rare temper, and great presence, he rocks !

  6. haha thats cute!!! love how creative yoo are with your witty lines…cheers!!!

  7. Nice framing. And the title is perfect. He's struttin' his stuff!!!

  8. Nice shot! You don't have to tell me about not throwing things away! I've been helping my parents throw away stuff forever and I stuff just collects even faster! argh!

  9. sometimes the oldest t-shirts are the best. i know the sweatshirts are for certain. i have one that's very cool:-)

  10. great framing and processing – excellent border

  11. I like your processing and framing choices. Nice.

  12. gotta love it when your husband conserves! this shot shows a lot of character. 🙂

  13. lol.. well that's a good way to save though.. 😉

  14. I understand him quite well. At least you never throw old tour shirts away. That would be the most unknown sin. If time left any traces it's there. And it's interesting. And it's beautiful. Just like this pearl of yours, darling! All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

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