you can't give it away....
I'm sorry, I have to take my computer in to the computer doctor, and they are closed on sunday and
When I was 4 years old,, in kindergarten,, my mother didn't come to pick me after school,, so i just
when you are growing up, thinking you know everything, rebelling against your parents who seem like the bane of your
This is my parents' wedding picture.  you can see where i get my good looks from 🙂 my mother died
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here together to celebrate this thing called LIFE... let's go crazy!
Cardboard masks of all the people I've been, thrown out with all the rusted, tangled, dented, God damned misery. you
sorry i'm late, we went out shopping and took a while
We live in such a nice neighbourhood for walks, I love it here
what's nice about living where we do is we go down to the water and shop at the quay almost where RV dreams come to die... sad isn't it?
out at the quay for our 20th wedding anniversary dinner, will go see a movie tomorrow 🙂
This was the bottom of a strapless dress in the window of a wedding shop, thought it was pretty 
did i mess up the RSS feed again? so sorry if you have to resubscribe!  i'm still getting used to
so we are trying to organize a bit, can you say BOOKS? and we left a TON of books behind...
So hubby and I have gone vegan, but also whole natural food vegan, AND low fat, so i doubt we
please note that i have mapped my domain over to squarespace, you may have to redo the RSS feed,
there's a green plaid jacket on the back of the chair, like a moment frozen forever there... God is a
my website keeps getting hacked, i may move everything over to squarespace and delete it all, makes me sad tho
Heaven's heart was written in the stars before the walk of time, Your heart and mine were destined to entwine....
This is Kitteh telling me she's going to get a restraining order if i don't stop stalking her...
Hopefully we can 'burn' this bridge behind us...
Misty watercoloured trailer park memories....
just discovered the gimp on linux.. picked bad pic, took 3 hours to figure out how to process