First line of a Led Zepplin song that i can't remember the name of
Toasty inside our new car, with the best heated seats i've ever had!!
There is actually a place on our computerized dashboard that says 'engage' lol totally star trekking in our new car
We are having a lot of beautiful foggy days here... i love the fog! foggy fog fog FOG FOG
lol oops, looks like i caught hubby asleep at the wheel lol #blink182
Hubby got his choice of cars this time hehe... I guess he didn't like driving around in a lime green
my mother used to make the most heavenly shortbread cookies for Christmas, it turned out the secret was putting them
LEDs... i kind of miss the old lights, don't y'all?
My Christmas puppy !! Happy Holidays!!
Nice big snow fall today!
My puppeh often seems awake in her dreams <3
It's been foggy here night and day for about four days… It looks like it's starting to lift… I love
When in the car I try to catch things going by the window at the exact second i want to
The host, the mentor, the biz partner, the friend, at the party I went to last night. I fell asleep
That little jagged thing I have on my fridge is from my niece… Just saying I love you auntie elaine,
Plus one puppy... i took this to show my hairdo to my friend...
'Coach, what's it going to take to turn things around and win this game?'..... 'Heart. Miles and miles of heart.'
Somethings just can't stay in the closet… Somethings should just be free… 🙂
I love DoTerra essential oils, but I don't sell them, I just buy them, so I can't answer any questions
Even though you can’t see our door from the street… Hubby bought candy! #mine
Shooting for the basket and missing every time
I know a place, ain't nobody cryin'... ain't nobody worryin'... I'll take you there lalala
A throw back of me and hubby out on a photo taking binge, right after we were married 🙂
We are still waiting for the furnace repair guys to finish the job!! grrr...
I was searching through all my photos for a picture of us. I only had TWO... All these years of
It was my birthday, we went out for dinner and stopped at the doughnut store we NEVER go to coz
We are all dreaming big dreams over here 🙂
I take soooo many pictures of my dog... I hope you guys don't mind 🙂
She looks Like she's playing twister in her sleep ha ha.. albeit a very small version of the game 🙂
Isn't that what they call the trunk of a car in England? the boot?
Little curly cue puppy sleepy by God's fingerprint golden ratio doggie
He's wondering where the dog port-a-pottie is...
Not in this part of the woods.
Leopold: Are you suggesting, madame, there exists a law compelling gentlemen to lay hold of canine bowel movements? Policewoman: I'm
Haha! I turned and saw Smidge sitting like this and just staring at me lol so stinkin' cute!
Hubby feeding our doggies their home made dog food... Every week or so, he makes them a new batch of
Wooohooo!!! I took Smidge for her first walk! She was so excited about GRASS haha... it took us ages to
I've wanted to get her some nice clothes for so long... now she looks so pretty 🙂
I loaded my dog with swag and she hates it haha, a hot pink harness with leopard print, and matching
That's what princesses are made for 🙂
My husband makes these for me, with rice and grass fed beef... they are yummy and the cows at least
Don't ask my why i called the post 'Pepe Le Pew'... lol my dog doesn't smell lol
How I watch Netflix: with my arm being hugged by Smidge 🙂
I hate when trucks do this, block both lanes of the highway... grrr, I mean what if I was in
What do you mean dragging my treadmill out to the garbage doesn't count as exercise???
Smidge likes to sleep beside me hugging my arm while i watch a movie 🙂
Remember the flower buds we were guessing over? Well, the flowers finally showed themselves, but I still don't know what
Walking the dog on a beautiful summer day... Coming home and playing with them (in the video, showing how Smidge
"I been tryna get down to the heart of matter, but my will gets weak, and my thoughts seem to
July 1st is Canada Day, seems everybody is gone camping, not us... hubby says 'i want peace and quiet'... i
Remember that old old Brooke Shields movie called 'Pretty Baby'... she sure was gorgeous when she was young! Tho that
Sparky and Smidge both trying to takeover the end of the couch...
"Don't you think daisies are the happiest flower?" ~You've got mail
My sweet little Smidge is a gift straight from heaven...
Nothin' but blue skies from now on.....
I love this house, it's a duplex with a lovely rock garden in the front, where a cat is often
When I had a boyfriend in a band, they got their song on the radio... and I was calling in
Doesn't this seem like the happiest flower?
I had a dream where I came to my door and it was covered in a huge bramble, and I
Aren't they too cute? Little feets were made for walking barefoot in the grass!
with a little pink house for you and me.
You have to wait for them to fly away, and then you have to catch them... And you get to
In the immortal words of Tom Waits... 'what's he building in there??' from the album 'Mule Variations' for that tour
ok, he wasn't sleeping when he was walking the dog, but i thought 'street walk.. sleep walk... ultravox!!' i'm an
Looks like we will have blue berries and raspberries to eat... some time in the future 🙂